3 Month Program

Visibility for Influence

A three month mastermind for women leaders.

When we launched Visibility Co in 2017, our intention, and that of program mentor Isabelle Silbery, was to get behind a new breed of leader who can bring solutions to the thorniest problems we face. We wanted to gather those people together to unlock their potential, build greater influence and achieve what they can. Quickly. Because we don't have time to do it any other way.  

Our three-month Visibility for Influence Mastermind is our signature program for women-identifying people. If you are, or know, a woman with a deeply-held purpose or vision, and the knowledge that with a good strategy, new skills, increased visibility and a supportive community, she can create the shifts the world needs, we want to hear from you.

The Mastermind is for you if you work in industry, government, non-profit, activism or entrepreneurial spaces. You might work in the media or have a platform or large audience, but want to put purposeful firepower behind it.

You might be 70 or 20; speak English as a second language; be introverted, extroverted; established or emerging. Whoever and wherever you are, we welcome you.

There are only 15 places. Every program fills quickly so if you're ready to take the leap, get on and apply.

Who is this program for?

  • Women leaders of any age, background or industry
  • Established or high-potential leaders and executives wanting to fully articulate and activate their vision and to amplify their impact
  • Social change leaders with big ideas who need support with the next phase of impact
  • Visible leaders with an existing platform who want to use their visibility more meaningfully
  • Entrepreneurs, change-makers and decision-makers who need a safe and supportive environment to explore and accelerate towards a new pathway

What will it cover?

Month one: Visibility to self

Building deeper self-awareness by articulating your deeper intentions, values, vision and a visible leadership strategy. Mindset support to smash the beliefs and inner narratives that get in your way

Month two: Visibility to others

Simple but powerful strategic communications tools and techniques to help you be a more effective communicator, presenter and influencer. Visibility strategy and 100-day plan - an easy-to use framework to translate your new skills and strategy into an action plan.

Month three: Visibility for collective impact

New tools and ways to use your own visible leadership to support a cause or issue bigger than you, to drive systemic change. Learn a powerful storytelling framework to take your messaging to the next level, and set up your own advisory board of experts and supporters, to help you step out and up.


Collaboration session, graduation and entry to the Visibility Collective: a  thriving community of big-hearted go-getters. You will forge connections with extraordinary women who understand your experiences and can bring the skills and networks you need - and you for them.


Free access to the Visibility Collective: including bimonthly group calls and events, exclusive access to Visibility Co sessions and retreats, plus affordable masterclasses hosted by others in the Collective, global experts… and in the future - you, perhaps!

What’s included in the mastermind?

  • Initial two-day intensive (hopefully in person), to craft the first draft of your visible leadership strategy
  • Monthly one-day online sessions: a mix of new content, tools and frameworks and coaching: with the opportunity to troubleshoot your individual challenges or opportunities
  • A private online group facilitated by Julia and Sarah, with 24/7 access to the group and a space to ask coaching questions, share wins, receive guidance and support
  • Access to tools and frameworks that are exclusive to Visibility Co
  • Visible Leader Roadmap, Visibility Strategy and 100-Day Plan: integrated plans that combine vision and pragmatism, to set you on a super-charged path towards your vision. Each strategy runs to no more than one page.
  • 1:1 coaching session with Julia or Sarah, to untangle your ideas, debrief the content and set the pathway forward
  • Exclusive sessions with guest speakers from around the world with expertise in strategy, leadership and visibility
  • A new bio written for you, along with new profile photos (to be taken at the intensive retreat if going ahead in person)
  • A new network of extraordinary women who will be invested in your success and support your trajectory forward

This mastermind is by application only. Please register your interest by emailing hello@visibilityco.com.

Get in touch.

To find out more about this program, including pricing, upcoming dates and the application process, fill out your details below and we'll get back to you.

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About Visibility Co

Working at the intersection of leadership, strategy and visibility, we seek to be strategic provocateurs and catalysts of systemic change, supporting you to unleash the potential within so you can create a better world from wherever you are.

While we’re not big on labels, we’re often referred to as social impact and communications strategists, or strategic leadership advisors, or visibility experts.

Fancy words for a business, led by Julia May and Sarah Anderson, that brings together purposeful leadership, strategy and communications in truly integrative and innovative ways.